Forsakaravinen is a nature reserve on the eastern slope of Linderödsåsen at Degeberga.
The ravine is about 40 meters deep. Along its slopes grows mainly beech forest. If you are lucky, you may spot the blue ground beetle, a large beetle, which has only been found in three places in Sweden.
The nature reserve's pièce de résistance is its two waterfalls which are among the highest in Skåne. The upper has a drop of 7.4 meters and the lower has a drop of 10.6 meters.
The nature area is home to many different bird species, for example, Sweden's four woodpecker species: European green woodpecker, black woodpecker, great spotted woodpecker, and lesser spotted woodpecker. Vattendragen is one of Skåne's few breeding grounds for the white-throated dipper. The beautiful common kingfisher is often seen in the area.
When you're down in the ravine, you should keep in mind that several of the trees have been infested with rot fungi, which means that they can fall or break easily without warning. If you want to be better safe than sorry, you can walk along a marked path along the ravine edge instead, which is about 1700 m long. You will not miss the falls because there is a viewing platform that overlooks the falls.
We at Treefling think it is important to spend time in nature, take care of our beautiful nature and treat yourself to a pleasant excursion in the beautiful nature reserve.

Nature image is licensed under the Creative CommonsAttribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. Bird image is made available under the Creative CommonsCC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication