Are you looking for a nature experience that has a more wilderness feel? Then maybe the nature reserve Djurrödsbäckens Dalgång in Tomelilla municipality is something for you because here there are no marked paths for visitors to follow. Historically, the area has been used as grazing and mowing land, but now a beautiful deciduous forest has also taken shape. The crooked and multi-stemmed deciduous trees in the valley testify to having been grazed by cattle in their youth.
The stream from which the reserve gets its name runs through the area and empties into Kävlingeån. The water is healthy and rich in fish and small insects. In the low-lying parts of the valley, the stream forms swamp forests. In the western part of the reserve, the stream also forms wet meadows dominated by mead wort. In the meadows' lime-rich soil, plants that need lime to thrive, such as cowslip and western marsh orchid, flourish.
In the spring, migratory birds such as yellowhammer, red-backed shrike, and common whitethroat come to the area to nest.
When you hike in the reserve, you may be lucky enough to see Skåne's landscape animal, the red deer, grazing in the meadows.
For the history buff with a trained eye, there is much to see in the form of ancient remains, including burial mounds.
We at Treefling think it is important to spend time in nature, take care of our nature and treat yourself to a hike in the beautiful nature reserve, Djurrödsbäcken valley

Image credit: 1. Jorchr / CC BY-SA 4.0 2. Lviatour / CC BY-SA 3.0