In the municipality of Ronneby, you can find the nature reserve Almö, one of the most beautiful natural areas in Blekinge. The 778-hectare reserve offers visitors grasslands with oak forests in the northern parts. If you walk to the southern parts, the area changes to a more open landscape with moors and coastal meadows.
The forests are habitat for Blekinge's landscape animal the European stag beetle, Europe's largest beetle, which can reach a body length of around 8.5 centimeters. At the end of June, you can see or hear adults swarming mainly among the treetops.
Almö offers bird enthusiasts a lot to see. Several species of seabirds rest in the water areas before flying to their breeding grounds. In the spring, small birds such as the barred warbler, common rosefinch, red-backed shrike, and common whitethroat come to the area to breed.
Along the hiking trails, there are several rest areas and fire pits to choose from.
We at Treefling think it is important to spend time in nature, take care of our nature and treat yourself to a hike in the beautiful nature reserve, Almö.

Image credit: 1.Schorle/ CC BY-SA 3.0 - 2.J.F. Gaffard/ CC BY-SA 3.0